Saturday, October 26, 2013

Hello world!

Welcome to the Feuerstein Institute Blog, the place to learn about the latest happenings at the Feuerstein Institute. Please be sure to check in regularly - with so many exciting programs, activities and researches ongoing, there is much to read and learn about!

Spotlight on..... The Partnership and Marriage Preparation Program

For many young adults with special needs, matrimony is a legitimate and achievable life goal. However, the prevailing trend in Israel and throughout the world is not to encourage the special needs population to engage in romantic relationships and matrimony. The rationale behind this attitude is that welfare services are not equipped to train and support families adults with special needs.

The Partnership and Marriage Preparation program seeks to change that trend. The program, which is run in cooperation with the Ruderman Family Foundation, trains and prepares young adults with special needs for marital life. We provide them with the tools they require to establish and maintain intimate relationship, as well as to manage a household. This is accomplished through a series of group workshops in communication, household management and psychodrama and through interaction via a social club. The couple also participates in couple and group therapies as needed. When they are ready to wed, we also offer private chatan and kallah classes.

Our guidance does not end with the course. We also establish a support system to help them throughout their married life, and upon wedding, a place to start out at our Ein Kerem residential facility. The first cycle of this exciting program is currently in progress, with 24 participants taking part. We are thrilled to share with you that one couple has already wed!



    A fines de Abril principios de mayo de 1999, llegué a Jerusalem para que Maia pudiera enriquecer sus funciones intelectuales en el Programa de este ser brillante, luminoso y tan querido para nosotros.
    Cuando él supo que dejamos todo lo nuestro por él, becó a mi hija Maia durante casi 5 años, ocupándose de sus progresos y haciendo un seguimiento personal de ella. Me ayudó, nos quiso, nos cuidó y quedó dolido porque no pude sostener mi proyecto de vida en jerusalem por la guerra y la falta de trabajo.
    sin embargo todo lo poco o mucho que le dio a Maia lo lleva consigo y es la niña inteligente y librepensadora que él nos propuso.
    Gracias querido profesor por habernos dado tanto! y por ser una de las personas que me permite creer en el ser humano y en D.os


